All photos
by Harriet Cross ©2006
Source Ancienne Ounfo &
The Island of Salvation Botanica
& Magical Pharmacy
November 1st
3319 Rosalie Alley
New Orleans, LA.
Source Ancienne Ounfo & The
Island of Salvation Botanica &
Magical Pharmacy peristyle
is just one group that holds rituals
in honor of Baron, Maman Brigitte,
and the Ghedes. The people who come
must all be fed, and the lwa who
appear are also feasted from the
donated food specially prepared
for them.
Sallie Ann Glassman began
by saying. "The
beautiful city of New Orleans
is broken but not beaten,
is bent but not destroyed.
Slowly, it is beginning to
heal." "She is like
a grand old dame who is suffering
from a serious, life-threatening
illness, and she needs every
healing effort still."
"Who better to call on
now than Papa Guédé!"
those present to honor the
dead with their offerings,
Mambo Sallie Ann also stated
that the Loas have spoken
to her in many ways since
Katrina’s strike and
that the spirit world is entreating
all of us to be more mindful
of the natural world surrounding
this, Mambo Sallie Ann bends
down to the ground where she
begins to draw in corn meal
the intricate and powerful
"veve" -- the otherworldly
symbol that in this world
is the mirror of the power
of the spirit world. As she
draws, pinching out the corn
meal, her devotees will sing
and circulate bottles of blessed
water in which the audience
is invited to wash their hands.
Ritual Voodoo
drumming enticed everyone to dance
with happy abandon in the Perystle
as the ritual reached it's height.
The feverish banda dancing went
on long into the night. The artistry
of the drummers ass incomparable,
and even non-Vodouisants had come
out their homes to watch. Just as
in ceremonies past, the beautiful
singing, drumming and dancing is
designed to call Guédé,
a powerful Loa, from across the
Abyss to be present among us.
Jolie brings
her own personal voodoo offreing
of a special made Papa Ghede
Zombie Spirit Bottle for this
night to the La
Source Ancienne Ounfo
In the
aftermath of Katrina, when
all the city of New Orleans
still appears to be dead,
who, you might ask, would
want to hang around this place

would have to be somebody familiar
with great heartache desolation,
that’s for sure, and not
put off by day to day hard challenges.
Someone who brings the party
with him, so to speak; who knows
just the prescription for these
one year and 3 months later
post-Katrina blues.
and dancing marked the arrival
of the Guédé
among the celebrants
blessed intentions through the
warm November night and into
the world of Spirit.

is a wide-ranging phenomena
which is probably the most popular
form of union with the divine
in human history. Possession-oriented
rituals are apparent in ancient
Egypt and it has been shown
that the earliest forms of Cabbalistic
practice were oriented towards
this type of experience. Possession
was a recognised phenomena in
ancient Greece, two examples
being the Delphic oracle, and
the practices of the Theurgists,
defined by Proclus as "...
in a word, all the operations
of divine possession."
Possession is a central feature
of Voudoun, Santeria, and Macumba,
religions which are gaining
increasing popularity, and is
apparent in most tribal cultures,
from America to Australasia.
Ghede mounts someone he often
singles out people who pretend
to be aloof from eroticism.
He ridicules them, embarrasses
them, exposes them (in more
ways than one). He is especially
hard on whites since they often
have the puritanical sexual
attitudes of western culture.
Ghede is a clown, an interrupter,
a coarse fellow. He is much
loved because his appearance
always brings laughter and joy,
singing and dancing, though
much of it is lude. He loves
cigarettes and is often seen
smoking two at a time. He is
neither good nor evil, but is
amused by humans and that's
why he jokes around so much.
He is usually the last to appear
at a ceremony.
of Ghede's great powers is as
the protector of children. He
does not like to see children
die. They need a full life.
Thus he is the loa to go to
when seeking help for a sick
child. He has the power over
zombies and decides whether
or not people can be changed
into animals. Any such black
magic Voodoo must seek the help
of Baron Samedi/Ghede.
also appears in early Christianity
- particularly with the manifestation
of "speaking in tongues"
which remains popular in modern-day
forms of evangelical Christianity.
St. Paul's dramatic experience
on the road to Damascus bears
all the hallmarks of a sudden
divine possession, yet he was
worried by the phenomenon, and
found it necessary to lecture
the Corinthian Christians on
the need to carefully manage
speaking in tongues:
therefore, the whole church
assembles, and all speak in
tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers
enter, will they not say that
you are mad? not forbid
speaking in tongues, but all
things should be done decently
and in order" (I Corinthians,
ability to 'loose control' appears
to be a key factor in the possession
This is not
of course, an issue, in ceremonies
where the entire assembly knows
what to expect of the entity manifesting.
William Sargant gives an account
of a Voudoun ceremony he witnessed
in Haiti, where two girls became
simultaneously possessed by Ghede,
a loa who is known to be particularly
sexually active: "They half
stripped each other and one girl
symbolically raped the other with
a masculine type of pelvic approximation.
It ended with the total emotional
collapse of both participants."
Sargant goes on to say that the
group was somewhat amused by this
episode, and that the girls, who
were normally restrained and quiet,
had no memory of what they had
done. He notes that the only people
who were 'upset' by the incident
were the boyfriends of the girls,
but that they could say nothing,
as it was the manifestation of
Ghede. This in itself is an important
point. In many possession-oriented
cults, there is a tacit understanding
that whatever a possessed person
does, it is the action of the
indwelling entity and as such,
they cannot be faulted. Furthermore,
after the person comes out of
possession, they are not told
about how they behaved.
Baron Arrives!
Many awaited
the grand appearance of Papa
who in fact did arrive
dressed to the nines. His appearance
this November warm night was foreshadowed
by a great gust of the north wind
and a deathly cold chill in the
air. Those who were outside the
Perystle felt his approach as the
drumming reached a fever pitch inside
and many of the dancers slowed from
the heat filling the room. That’s
when Guédé
and wanted to hear another
song, have another drink, and eat
another meal! The party for the
dead really began.
With top hat, dark sunglasses
with one eye out, to symbolize his
power in the world of the seen and
the unseen. And with a large thick
dark cigar he found with his offerings
and with a smile all knew he was
very pleased.
he is a masculine lwa with a nasal
voice who carries a walking stick
or baton, uses profanity liberally,
and dresses in black or purple.
He is considered the last resort
against deaths caused by magic,
because even if a magical spell
should bring a person to the point
of death, if Baron refuses to "dig
the grave", the person will
not die.
may possess anyone, anytime. Baron
and Maman Brigitte, are absolutely
notorious for their use of profanity
and sexual terms and his gyrating
banda dance make him unmistakable.
There is a reason for this - the
Ghede are dead, beyond all punishment.
Nothing further can be done to
them, so the use of profanity
among the normally somewhat formal
Haitians is a way of saying, "I
don't care! I've passed beyond
all suffering, I can't be hurt."
In a country where disrespect
for authority figures was until
recently punished by torture or
death, this is a powerful message.
woman possessed by one of the
Gede taunts passersby and swears
at them. A New Orleans Voudun
initiate is ridden (”possessed”)
by Ghede. Photo below.
this profanity is never used in
a vicious or abusive fashion,
to "curse someone out".
It is always humorous, even when
there is a pointed message involved.
"He is the wise counselor and
a shameless trickster; he is especially
loving toward children, and is called
the patron of children throughout
the Vodoun world." "The
Guédé family of spirits
are the guardians of the dead and
masters of libido. Mambo Sallie
Ann had told all earlier in the
sexual personas arrival
caused a disruption to the wild
dancing. "He is fond of his
liquor Glassman had remarked earlier,
especially his favorite brand of
rum." Guédé
searched for it amongst
the many wonderful offerings brought
to him this night. "You
can count on him to keep you from
wallowing in your sorrows,"
Said Sallie Ann Glassman to the
crowd. "Always Guédé
arrives when everyone is tired,
exhausted and ready to go home for
much needed sleep."
Like many other
types of magical experience, possession
is a learned response. When an individual
first experiences possession, it
may have far-reaching consequences
as a life-changing agent. It may
occur suddenly, or gradually, and
in some accounts of possession,
it can be agonizingly painful. The
degree of resistance to the experience
is interesting in this light. Sargant
notes that often, the more one resists
the onset of possession, the more
intense the experience actually
becomes. I have noticed that, in
my own experience of being possessed,
whenever I have consciously tried
to limit the depth of possession,
it has in fact, proved to be much
more intense than I expected. With
practice, one may achieve a state
of possession relatively quickly.

Baron answered many questions
and mingled amongst the many
in attendance that filled the
Perystle and surrounding grounds,
puffing furiously on his large
dark thick cigar. Most
of all many here wanted to speak
to him, because he possess the
accumulated wisdom of all that
are dead. As the Avatar of Death
it is within his power to effect
healing, and if ever there was
a need for healing, it is here,
now in New Orleans.

is said to be a thief amonngst
the crowd. It is true that he
appropriates what he likes from
anyone, but once the person
accedes to Ghede's demands his
pilfering is usually limited
to a few things very minor such
as demanding a dollar bill or
two. Glassman recounts that
when you make a request of Baron
Samedi, you use a something
other then your hand, a stick
anything but your hand extended
in place of your hand. When
the Baron is ready to leave,
he takes with him whatever he's
holding. By substituting something,
you don't loose your arm!
remains a powerful form of magical
work. It can be used to derive
oracular information (as used
by the Greeks and Tibetans),
to charge magical weapons, to
share in the power of the God
(as in ritual Masses) or 'live'
a particular mythic transformation.
In constructing possession-workings,
it can be useful to examine
magical and religious paradigms
where possession is a recognised
and culturally-defined technique.
The experience itself can be
related to wider phenomenon
such as religious conversion,
hypnosis, and abreactive therapy.
As with all types of magical
technique, it's use requires
careful analysis and evaluation
if it is not to devolve into
a habituated limitation. In
general, magical possession
is both useful and enjoyable,
if a little hair-raising at

Fet Ghede, Glassmans peristyles
followers also cook and bring
plenty of food especially for
the many of Ghedes which appear
unexpectedly and wander through
the streets to the ponding call
of the drums.
Is Everywhere!

Guédés dressed
in top hat and smoked
glasses danced, ate cursed
and sang into the night.
It seems that some years
ago, under the regime
of President Borno, there
suddenly appeared in the
streets of Port-au-Prince
a crowd of Ghedes (all
of them houngans possessed
by Ghede) wearing the
"formal" costume
of the lord: the tall
top-hats, long black tail-coats,
smoked glasses, cigarettes
or cigars, and canes.
An enormous crowd naturally
collected about them,
and joined them in their
march to the National
Palace. They all took
the guards by surprise,
and, singing, swerved
throught the gates and
up the drive and to the
door itself, where they
demanded money of the
President. President Borno,
who is reputed to have
been sympatheic to Voudoun
ritiual (secretly so)
and yet feared bourgeois
opininon was in great
dilemma. He finally gave
in, obstensibly merely
to quiet the mob, and
the Ghedes with their
supporters left the grounds.
But Ghede had make his
point. Death, who has
consumed so many heroes,
bows before no man and
will remind even the most
illustrious that one day
he too will be consumed.
So Ghede had gotten his
money and went off to
gorge himself, singing...
from Divine Horsemen
by Maya Deren [p107]
If you are visiting New Orleans
in the hazy month of June, do
not miss this opportunity to
experience this authentic open
to the public voodoo Marie Laveau
ritual hosted by one of the
most powerful practitioners
of the religion in the South,
Sallie Ann Glassman. Featured
on the Scifi Investigates Premier.
Ms. Sallie
Ann Glassman is the author of
Vodou Visions, published by
Random House in May, 2000, which
has received acclaim from Vodou
practitioners around the world.
She is co-creator and artist
for The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot,
published by Destiny/Inner Traditions,
and is the illustrator of The
Enochian Tarot, published by
Counted as
one of the twenty most active
Voodoo practitioners in the
United States, And as one of
the top ten in New Orleans,
Priestess Sallie Ann Glassman
is known for promoting positive
thoughts through her Voodoo
faith. She is also a historian
on Voodoo tradition and its
roots in Hatian Vodun. Like
many native religions, Vodou
(often referred to as "Voodoo")
has been scorned and ridiculed
in mainstream Judeo-Christian
communities. "The word
'Vodou' sends chills down the
spines of most people, and conjures
up age-old terrors of sorcery,
black magic, and bogeymen lurking
under the bed," writes
author Sallie Ann Glassman (New
Orleans Voodoo Tarot/Book and
Card Set). This enticing compendium
of the origins and practice
of Vodou makes for a fascinating
read, explaining how music,
dance, and artistic expression
are the heart and soul of this
complicated religion. "What
I discovered was a vibrant,
beautiful, and ecstatic religion
that was free from dogma, guilt
or coercion," says Glassman,
a thoughtful and articulate
Jewish woman who first began
studying New Orleans Vodou in
of Salvation Botanica
Island of Salvation Botanica
· Sallie Ann Glassman
New Orleans Hope and Heritage